The products that make up this section were born from specific needs studied and created for top hotels and restaurants, a world in which SchönhuberFranchi, a company of the Group, has been a leader for many years. They are objects that want to express and respond to the profound change that is characterizing the table, where plates abandon the classic decoration to increasingly become a sort of small stage for food. Kn offers a selection, with the aim of transferring the professional experience to the everyday table. The collection is divided into two large sections: the great tradition of an elegant and refined material such as the Fine Bone China and a more creative approach, made up of combinations of materials such as stoneware, glass , porcelain, metal, representative of a culture that is becoming more and more “fusion” and that we think could be the right mix between research and elegance…..but it is only a starting point to give free rein to everyone’s creativity .